SLH is living in Lille, Northern France, but Italy is always with her, intrinsically.
From Italian breed (mother side) and Polish breed (father side), the mix gave to the artist
the taste for adventure and travels, discovering the world through landscapes impress.
Since her childhood, she visited the hills of Tuscany and the Perrugine mountains. On the
Tuscany’s paths grow vines, slender cypresses, some great family farms and palaces she could
cross by horse.
Her passion for art appeared very early, when she was 10 years old. Fascinated by the
famous Italian painters, she visited for hours and hours Florence’s districts, the Galleria
Dell’academia and the Galleria Degli Uffizi, San Lorenzo etc., and far more museums in the
world. Then she recharged herself by stopping on the hills of Fiesole (Northern-East-side of
Florence), having an unparalleled cityside.
The colors of that Italy she enjoys are transcribed in her paintings as the Siena land burnt
by the sun, or the red and green roads of Chianti and its hilly landscapes. The artist is also
passionate about mansions and castles in ruins.
At the age of 15, at the Beaux Arts, she chose mixed techniques (giving more freedom of
execution) with an acrylic basis, on which she would use China inks, charcoal, chalk,
collages, imprints.
Like a contemporary impressionist, she creates series of three or four paintings, with
different ambient through specific colours chose wisely, as a single patch of paint may require
a dozen of layers and up to fifty hours of work for one painting.
Her work was acknowledged with some exhibitions in France, and some sales around the
world, from Belgium to the U.S.
Passionate about cinema, she draws some cinema decors in her paintings. Freedom is her
main idea, as well as authenticity. Her paintings are an invitation to numerous understandings,
granting a renewed sensitivity to the spectator.
Her ambition is to encourage the sharing of point-of-views on art, cultures, and life.
She said: “I want my paintings to talk to you so you can read them and feel transported in a
different reality; maybe it could even help you finding some meaning to your life”.
From Italian breed (mother side) and Polish breed (father side), the mix gave to the artist
the taste for adventure and travels, discovering the world through landscapes impress.
Since her childhood, she visited the hills of Tuscany and the Perrugine mountains. On the
Tuscany’s paths grow vines, slender cypresses, some great family farms and palaces she could
cross by horse.
Her passion for art appeared very early, when she was 10 years old. Fascinated by the
famous Italian painters, she visited for hours and hours Florence’s districts, the Galleria
Dell’academia and the Galleria Degli Uffizi, San Lorenzo etc., and far more museums in the
world. Then she recharged herself by stopping on the hills of Fiesole (Northern-East-side of
Florence), having an unparalleled cityside.
The colors of that Italy she enjoys are transcribed in her paintings as the Siena land burnt
by the sun, or the red and green roads of Chianti and its hilly landscapes. The artist is also
passionate about mansions and castles in ruins.
At the age of 15, at the Beaux Arts, she chose mixed techniques (giving more freedom of
execution) with an acrylic basis, on which she would use China inks, charcoal, chalk,
collages, imprints.
Like a contemporary impressionist, she creates series of three or four paintings, with
different ambient through specific colours chose wisely, as a single patch of paint may require
a dozen of layers and up to fifty hours of work for one painting.
Her work was acknowledged with some exhibitions in France, and some sales around the
world, from Belgium to the U.S.
Passionate about cinema, she draws some cinema decors in her paintings. Freedom is her
main idea, as well as authenticity. Her paintings are an invitation to numerous understandings,
granting a renewed sensitivity to the spectator.
Her ambition is to encourage the sharing of point-of-views on art, cultures, and life.
She said: “I want my paintings to talk to you so you can read them and feel transported in a
different reality; maybe it could even help you finding some meaning to your life”.
Her favourite historical period is the Italian Renaissance. She has a special thought for
Lorenzo De’Medici, defender and protector of arts.
Lorenzo De’Medici, defender and protector of arts.